

Train Times

Dep. Paignton
10:00 / 10:35 / 11:15 / 11:50 / 12:25 / 13:05 / 14:15 / 14:50 / 15:30 / 16:10 / 16:45
Arr. Kingswear
10:25 / 11:00 / 11:35 / 12:10 / 12:50 / 13:25 / 14:35 / 15:15 / 15:55 / 16:30 / 17:05
Dep. Kingswear
10:35 / 11:10 / 11:45 / 12:20 / 13:00 / 14:10 / 14:45 / 15:25 / 16:05 / 16:40 / 17:15
Arr. Paignton
11:00 / 11:35 / 12:10 / 12:45 / 13:25 / 14:35 / 15:10 / 15:50 / 16:30 / 17:05 / 17:40

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Dartmouth River Cruise Times

Dep. Dartmouth
11:15 / 12:30 / 13:45 / 15:30

Dartmouth to Totnes Cruise Times

Dep. Dartmouth
08:00 / 11:30
Arr. Totnes
09:30 / 13:00
Dep. Totnes
Arr. Dartmouth

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Ferry Times

Every 15 mins - Duration 5 mins, but you MUST allow 30 mins for connections between trains and boats on each side of the River Dart.

Bus Times

Dep. Paignton
09:00 / 10:00 / 11:00 / 12:00 / 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:15
Arr. Totnes
09:20 / 10:20 / 11:20 / 12:20 / 13:20 / 14:20 / 15:20 / 16:20 / 17:35
Dep. Totnes
09:30 / 10:30 / 11:30 / 12:30 / 13:30 / 14:30 / 15:30 / 16:30 / 17:35
Arr. Paignton
09:55 / 10:55 / 11:55 / 12:55 / 13:55 / 14:55 / 15:55 / 16:55 / 18:00

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  • Great family fun - It was brilliant with our 2yo - she was so excited to see the trains and the view along the journey was beautiful. The commentary on the boat was well delivered. Would highly recommend!
  • Lovely day out - We decided on a steam train and boat ride day. The train was lovely, and the boat ride was a lot of fun with an entertaining guide, which one of my teenage daughters found hilarious!
  • Chugging along! - The cruise along the River Dart was delightful and the witty commentary was also very informative. The last leg on the steam train was fantastic - chugging along past the beautiful beaches with children waving to you from the sands. Just priceless! We had the most amazing day, the itinerary is done with military precision and is therefore relaxing and exciting - we really loved it. This has got to be a "must do" trip!

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